[UK-CONTEST] Old Git Tests Generator...VHF NFD

Adrian Rees (MW1LCR) rees.a at btconnect.com
Sun Jun 28 03:59:29 PDT 2009


This OG (Old Git) decided to have a generator test this morning, in
preparation for VHF NFD next weekend. 

As to be expected (OG Experience) a fault was present. Turns out the HT
connector to the spark plug was faulty. Bizarrely continuity was fine, yet
when connected up, nothing. I have effected a temporary repair (OG VHF NFD
Bodge number 1, a week early !)and have fixed a spare HT connector. 

I need to replace the connector, in the mean time am I correct in thinking
that I can add a resistor in series with the HT lead to reduce ignition
noise heard on the radio ?

This OG now off to check the coax's as well....


Adrian MW1LCR  

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