[UK-CONTEST] [UK-Cs from JhnONTEST] Beru 2009

QUENTIN COLLIER q.g.collier at btinternet.com
Sun Mar 15 08:47:16 PDT 2009

I really don't know where you got the idea that we didn't want to work UK stations from John...we were keen to work anybody in the contest. Indeed 236 of the 424 contacts that Steve G3UFY and I made from GB5CC were with UK stations!


Quin G3WRR 

----- Original Message ----
From: John Reynolds <g3rsd at btinternet.com>
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Sent: Sunday, 15 March, 2009 2:23:44 PM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Beru 2009

Although I tried calling GB5CC during the contest ,they did not appear to want to work UK stns or should I say they wouldn't answer me.
In previous years I have usually worked them on at least 3 bands.

Did they work any UK Stns?

73 John G3RSD
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