Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Wed Mar 18 12:46:17 PDT 2009

Going through my log it was clear how many HQ stations were active, 
particularly in VE, where afaics virtually every province was 
represented. otoh The UK's sole representative was GB5CC, which on 
reflection is disappointing, since after all, rightly or wrongly, we did 
initiate he Commonwealth!

Yeah I know, it's not easy to find big guns on this side to fulfil such 
a requirement, but I remain to be convinced that suitable stations in GM 
and GW at least could not be press-ganged into operation. If onc 
considers the VE HQ stations, by no means all of them are really big 
guns. There would be a callsign issue of course, but surely that could 
be addressed? I believe that we should try to have G/GM/GW/GI ( in order 
of size btw  ;-)  ) at least represented. I am aware of a super gun SSB 
station in GI, so surely he could be worked on?

What's that you say?.......................................With 
apologies to OM Barack ( sp?): Yes we can!



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