[UK-CONTEST] Domineering VHF Contest Stations

DAVID BUTLER g4asr at btinternet.com
Wed May 6 03:26:29 PDT 2009


Yes - that is very much the case.

The few well sited VHF stations completely dominate vhf contesting.

And although I'm one of them it's the main reason why I consiously stopped entering vhf contests a few years ago.
I would often come 3rd or 4th place but even so it is still disheartening to know that the stations like - and no
disrespect to them - G4DEZ, G4PIQ (where is he now?), G0KPW, GD0EMG will win time after time. 

It must put off new entrants (and seasoned operators) to know that they have no chance whatsoever of winning.
Of course - many stations enter vhf contests just for the hell of it but there really is no incentive.  
I very much agree with having a league category based on the previous years performance. 
Afterall we have it in all types of sport and now that contesting is radiosport (sic!) why not do it for vhf contests. 

73 David G4ASR  VHF Manager, RSGB 

From: "David, G3YYD" <g3yyd at btinternet.com>
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Sent: Wednesday, 6 May, 2009 10:47:45 AM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 80M CC SSB G4RCG

Unfortunately I was engaged elsewhere. However note the contrast with 
VHF contests. Huge QRM must mean the format is working extremely well 
unlike the VHF contests. Something to be learnt?

Is it that a few excellent located VHF stations dominate while 80m 
location is not such a deciding factor and thus more people find the 80m 
contests worthwhile, fun and a test of skill? How about looking for a 
VHF format that puts the well located stations in a different category 
from the majority? Introduce an excellence category? Example: If you 
came in the top ten in any of the previous years VHF contests then have 
to be in the excellence category? Then kudos for being in the excellent 
category and those with more normal locations compete among themselves.

David G3YYD
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