[UK-CONTEST] Domineering VHF Contest Stations

Andy Swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Wed May 6 03:44:24 PDT 2009

> I very much agree with having a league category based on the previous years 
> performance. 
> Afterall we have it in all types of sport and now that contesting is 
> radiosport (sic!) why not do it for vhf contests. 

hmm,   interesting idea.

A few years back I used to play in a 10 pin bowling league which scores you with a handicap.  The handicap is worked out with some cunning formula based on the N previous games and so the better you get the lower your handicap (like golf), the handicap gets added to your raw score.    It meant that you could compete on a sort of level playing field with the seriously good people and sometimes win.    I remember one evening I too had a (semi) seriously good day (5 strikes in a row) which happened to be in the singles competition which meant I won top prize in that - what a buzz. 

I don't know of any radio competition that introduces a handicap into the score, I wonder if it would work?


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