[UK-CONTEST] Domineering VHF Contest Stations.......

Geoff Morris gw3atz at btopenworld.com
Thu May 7 10:32:50 PDT 2009

Been awayfor work, so just caught up with this topic.
It seems to me that whatever you do with the rules etc. for VHF 
contests, there will always be stations that will do better than others. 
Give the consistant leaders in recent events my 50 watts and 5ele yagi, 
and they will still knock spots off my efforts. That will not stop me 
entering, I like contests. I like to see if I can do better than last 
time. Try different aerials. See if I can beat the locals, G8ZRE and 
GW4EVX, who are not to far from me. Propogation and geography dictate 
that there can be no such thing as a level playing field.

It is possible to win from north wales with modest equipment. I have 
done it in the past, so has G8ZRE. I note GW4EVX's comment about FM for 
contests. In the dim and distant, there were FM tests. I know cos I won 
a lot..! So I will plod on with my puny efforts, and have good fun 
regardless of the outcome.

Geoff Morris

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