[UK-CONTEST] Domineering VHF Contest Stations.......
Ray James
gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Thu May 7 16:24:38 PDT 2009
--- On Thu, 7/5/09, Geoff Morris <gw3atz at btopenworld.com> wrote:
> It seems to me that whatever you do with the rules etc. for
> contests, there will always be stations that will do better
> than others.
> Give the consistant leaders in recent events my 50 watts
> and 5ele yagi,
> and they will still knock spots off my efforts. That will
> not stop me
> entering, I like contests. I like to see if I can do better
> than last
> time. Try different aerials. See if I can beat the locals,
> G8ZRE and
> GW4EVX, who are not to far from me. Propogation and
> geography dictate
> that there can be no such thing as a level playing field.
You're absolutely correct Geoff.
Certainly my suggestions in part would not eradicate the absolute advantage east coastal stations have enjoyed for so long but would require them to reconsider their strategy in order to maintain the enormous difference in points and contact numbers they currently enjoy in the UK Activity Contests.
If everything was rosy in VHF+ contest garden then nobody would have reason to complain. Unfortunately that is not the case and too often we read reports of poorly supported contests, in particular, non-UKAC events.
In VHF FD for example, leading UK stations on 2m are finishing with contact numbers I would have been disappointed had we not achieved by midnight on the Saturday from our Mull of Galloway site in the 1980's.
So what we have seen is a tale of opposite outcomes. Steadily increasing numbers of amateurs each year but declining VHF+ activity. Tune around the SSB/CW portions of 2m, 70cm and 23cm any evening and just listen to the noise, unfortunately it's white noise. Something has to be done on a national scale, and I mean national.
Nobody objects to a well sited station operating a well engineered station run by a competent operator doing well but when the rules translate to the rest of the UK pissing against the wind, no wonder it isn't working despite being the perfect regular monthly event for attracting activity.
Responsibility lies with the rule makers, the Contest Committee, to wake up to the VHF+ contest decline and do something positive to raise national participation again. If they're not doing the job they were appointed or volunteered to do then why isn't the VHF Manager prodding them as well as coming up with other non-contest VHF+ promotional plans?
I'm not just laying blame on the current CC. This has been happening certainly over the last 20 years and beggars belief why it's been allowed by the RSGB for this trend to continue.
As an example:
VHF FD Open Section
1 M0BAA 814
2 G1WPF 736
3 G4ZAP 500
1 G4LIP 801
2 M0BAA 790
3 G4ZAP 581
1 G4LIP 801
2 M0BAA 821
3 G0VHF 556
1 GD0EMG 597
2 M0BAA 674
3 GM4ZUK 335
2001 Cancelled - F&M
1 G4LIP/P 700
2 G3WSC/P 522
3 G0VHF/P 474
1 G0VHF/P 657
2 G0FBB/P 608
3 G5LK/P 602
1 G0FBB/P 578
2 G0VHF/P 518
3 G5LK/P 496
1 G5LK/P 699
2 G0FBB/P 650
3 G0VHF/P 569
1 G0VHF/P 498
2 G0FBB/P 456
3 G5LK/P 448
1 G0VHF 391
2 G0FBB 380
3 G3FJE 339
1 G5LK 465
2 GM4ZUK 265
3 G0VHF 344
Further back into the 80's as GM4CXM/P or GM3WCS/P, we were regularly knocking up 700 - 900 contacts with a far smaller amateur population than we enjoy today.
We don't need handicaps, elite sections or FM only contests, just more UK inclusive rules within our contests to try and inspire more UK licensees to make an appearance, enjoy the events and return for more.
73 Ray GM4CXM
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