[UK-CONTEST] Re 1 CW Sending speed

Andy Swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Thu Nov 26 01:11:38 PST 2009

>>> On 25/11/2009 at 09:51, in message
<3611E6CF-D2D2-40A0-9570-C7D60357972A at sky.com>, Ken Chandler <g0orh at sky.com>
> These days you don't have to know the code to work a station even  
> running 50wpm. Where I live we have a G8 who uses the cluster and  
> decoding software in contests and for working DX traffic,!!
> I have tried to get the staion away from running software and join my  
> Morse classes but he's happy with software decoding.

Why point out that he's a G8?

I see this kind of snobbery on here quite a bit.    I've heard far far worse from some G3s  than some G8s I know, including myself when I'm in practice.   Unfortunately I'm completely out of practice at the moment as I can't be on the radio as much as I want, but I expect when I get back on properly again I'll do much more CW than SSB on HF.   

My own view on contest sending speed is that if I hear someone running at 30odd wpm I'll ensure I have some idea of what the serial will be if possible and then give them a call at my usual 18wpm (I may tweak up to the low 20s if they're quite busy) and if they come back to me at the 30odds then there's a fair chance I'll get it but they take the risk I'll ask for a repeat.   Some people I've worked compromise and come down a wee bit to the 20s which usually works.  What does tend to throw me these days is when someone slows right down to 12wpm!

 If I'm running then I'll do it at 18, and again some people will call me at much higher speed, no real problem but they take the chance of getting an AGN?   I'm sure the snobs will be aghast that I dare send sooooo slowly but its what I know I'm comfortable with.   Any hand sending is with a straight up/down key (I did once enter a ropoco with a relay clamped to a bit of wood while visiting my parents!).   As I say, I'm way out of practice at the moment but it shouldn't take much to get it back, but expect to find me at 18 for a while.

GM 8 (and proud of it)  oeg  

p.s. I've been a bit shocked at the ineptitude of some of you G3s in recent contests - perhaps we need a master class in operating style run by some G8s? ;-)

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