[UK-CONTEST] 1 CW Sending speed

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Thu Nov 26 03:16:09 PST 2009

On 26 Nov 2009 at 9:40, David Ferrington, M0XDF wrote:

> However, when I  do start entering, it's going to be slower than 20
> wpm (and if there  is a QRS corral, I'll be in it). If those who are
> able to work up at  30 wpm don't want us newbies on at < 20, then I'm
> afraid you're likely  to find a dead contest in a few years time 

CW sending speed obviously is an emotive subject, and this is an 
interesting thread.

Maybe CQWW is not the best one to cut your teeth on, it is by a long 
stretch the busiest CW contest of the year, and the bands are full of 
the top notch operators. Most people will be working at 25-35wpm, with 
some faster, and you will be hard pushed to find that much below 20wpm. 
There is no 'QRS corral', I think that is unique to RSGB events and not 
a feature of US organised events. But you will find the slower stations 
tend to be higher up the bands - and in CQWW this means MUCH higher, eg 
above 14090 on 20m (and please avoid the 14100 beacons).

Your suggestion that contests will soon be dead is incorrect. Anybody 
listening around in these contests, and to any dxpedition, will soon 
realise there is no shortage of people who can use CW at good speeds. 
Even some of our newer licencees - I was listening to an M3 the other 
night having a rag chew at around 25wpm. I guess some take to it much 
easier than others, but high speed CW is not going to die any day 

73 Dave G3YMC


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