[UK-CONTEST] Planning Application doomed to failure in North Lincolnshire - latest news for your amusement

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Oct 8 16:50:37 PDT 2009

Hi Nick,
Doesn't look like your message sent around 2pm when you had support of 81 had any interest from readers of this reflector. I've just sent in a support message after midnight and you now have 82!

You'll love my comments!

The application should receive the full support of the local authority in view of its legal obligations regarding disater relief and the need for as many resources as possible to call upon in the provision of communications should any emergency (natural and non-natural) occur in the area. The applicants licence issued by Ofcom, provides a legal obligation for the applicants equipment to be used by emergency services on demand. The need for antenna supports of the height proposed is paramount when considering good communication coverage of this area. A number of UK systems operate on a similar basis with supports of 40m - 50m in height so the applicant has shown genuine consideration for his neighbours in applying for what he considers an adequate but lower height for the antenna supports. 

I hope that helps!
Good luck.

--- On Thu, 8/10/09, Nick Totterdell <ntotterdell at riverauto.co.uk> wrote:

> From: Nick Totterdell <ntotterdell at riverauto.co.uk>
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Planning Application doomed to failure in North Lincolnshire - latest news for your amusement
> To: uk-contest at contesting.com
> Date: Thursday, 8 October, 2009, 2:32 PM
> Hi
> Currently my planning application X-Files style vote stands
> at 129
> against and 81 for.
> Len Paget, GM0OMX, who is Chair of the RSGB Planning
> Advisory Committee
> suggests that I should attempt to get some more support on
> the planning
> website - to even up the numbers. This means I need another
> 50 odd
> support comments. So at Len's suggestion I have posted this
> message
> here.
> Thanks to those of you who have already done this but if
> you haven't
> then please go to my website <http://www.totterdell.co.uk/planning.htm>
> where there are some pictures of a trial mast and links to
> the East
> Lindsey website. You can read about the horses that will be
> frightened
> by the masts at 1km distance and the swans that will crash
> into the
> poles.
> The planning application is very likely to fail as the
> planner is
> recommending that the planning committee reject it. Your
> comments could
> help when the application goes to appeal.
> Any comments to the effect that the mast doesn't look too
> bad in the
> pictures would help. You don't have to be a local to
> comment. If you
> have any sympathetic friends then please forward the link.
> Hoping to see you all Wyboston. If you post a particularly
> splendid
> response to the planners, I will stand you a pint!
> Oh and if you need Montserrat (VP2M) on any contest bands
> on cw then I
> might be able to help you next March. 
> 73 Nick G4FAL
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