[UK-CONTEST] Proposed change to UK Activity Contest

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 20 05:38:24 PDT 2009

Hi all,
Rather surprised to receive an invitation to participate in an RSGB CC survey for a possible change to the start time of the 2010 UK Activity Contests in my in-box this morning, which I have answered.

The surprise emanates from it being quite late in the day for a survey for the 2010 calender when balanced against previous commentary that rules were agreed early to accommodate publication in forthcoming yearbooks.
I for one would welcome some clarity from the CC regarding the real cut-off point in any particular year when they will accept suggestions to improve UK contest rules.

The survey is in response to the increasing number of portable stations entering UKAC's, enabling them to pack up earlier.
They currently represent 10% to 15% of the total entrants. 
The duration of 2.5 hours is unchanged though a reduction to 2 hours wouldn't go amiss in my opinion.

The main change to I would like to see would be the cessation of a square multiplier when working non-UK stations in the "UK" Activity Contests.
The current rules make the 2m, 70cm, 23cm and 13cm monthly sessions unfair to the majority of the UK and heavily biases the east and south east of England to the detriment of the rest of the UK. The south east already benefits from being closer to EU activity enabling more potential contacts without compounding this advantage with additional multiplier rewards. 
As there appears time to consider start/finish changes, they'll be the same window of opportunity to consider this one.

73 Ray GM4CXM

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