[UK-CONTEST] Proposed change to UK Activity Contest

Regwoolley at aol.com Regwoolley at aol.com
Wed Oct 21 03:20:07 PDT 2009

I was once dragged over the coals for using KST JUST before the start of  
the contest! I was quoted the rules. I pointed out it stated during the 
contest!  Not before or after! I was given a slapped on the wrist don't do it 
again or  else! So you can get done for using KST even OUTSIDE contest time !
In a message dated 21/10/2009 10:48:02 GMT Daylight Time,  
a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk writes:

I never  disallowed it mate,   now <thinks>  who was it who  disallowed it? 
 Wasn't it those folks in the centre of  population?   Due to some spurious 
(never substantiated) claim of  abuse?


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