[UK-CONTEST] Proposed change to UK Activity Contest

Peter Bowyer peter at bowyer.org
Wed Oct 21 03:45:28 PDT 2009

2009/10/21  <Regwoolley at aol.com>:
> I was once dragged over the coals for using KST JUST before the start of
> the contest! I was quoted the rules. I pointed out it stated during the
> contest!  Not before or after! I was given a slapped on the wrist don't do it
> again or  else! So you can get done for using KST even OUTSIDE contest time !

A more accurate version of that event:

You used KST to announce your operating frequency seconds before the
start of the contest. You were subsequently referred to the relevant
rule (4i) which bans its use 'to assist an entry to a contest', and
deliberately makes no reference to 'during the contest'. The wording
of that rule hasn't changed since I wrote it (I just checked),
although I no longer have any jurisdiction. You argued the point at
the time based on what you assumed the rule said, rather than what it
actually says.

It was clearly your intent to assist your entry, hence you were
advised that your action broke rule 4(i). As I recall there was no
further penalty applied other than to privately point out your
transgression and engage in a lengthy and somewhat circular email
discussion on the topic.

Peter G4MJS

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