[UK-CONTEST] CQWW SSB - Some thoughts

David, G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Tue Oct 27 03:19:04 PDT 2009

I agree with James G0FHM that OZ was very difficult to work on 20m from 
St. Albans. Not that easy on 15 or 40 either. ON/PA/LX were worked 
mainly on back scatter while OH/SM/LA were direct. OZ back scatter was 
obviously not working and the skip zone was landing in the Baltic rather 
than in OZ. I also noticed that DL was often weak but the odd one was 
strong. I assume the strong ones must have been on the far side of Germany.

I agree about some of the Eastern/South Eastern EU stations just opening 
up. I noticed some of them were 10dB above many others from the area. I 
do not think it was 100w versus 1500w either. I think it was more a 
legacy  from the days when the military supplied the kit. One was 50dB 
over S9 on 20m with the pre-amp off that is about -13dBm.

I too was using a K3 and unlike my FT1000MP I never detected any signs 
of overload and it performed admirably.

David G3YYD

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