[UK-CONTEST] CQWW SSB - Some thoughts

peter Jackson peter.jackson17 at ntlworld.com
Wed Oct 28 15:53:22 PDT 2009

I only worked 50 but concentrated on 15 and 10. 10 opened up on Sunday 
evening to SA and I worked a few LU and PYs. Heard a station from Senegal on 
10 Saturday morning but he went qrt due to the EU zoo.
73 Pete G3KNU
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Lawley" <dave at g4buo.com>
To: "UK Contest Reflector" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] CQWW SSB - Some thoughts

>I made my lowest ever score in CQWW - just 37 Qs - but along with a
> handful of Russians on 10m on Saturday morning, I worked VU2PAI who had
> a good signal. I don't think that was Es.
> Dave G4BUO
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