[UK-CONTEST] Ukraine loses HF and Microwave spectrum

Gerry Lynch gerrylynch at freenetname.co.uk
Thu Sep 3 12:44:00 PDT 2009

On Sep 3 2009, Ray James wrote:

 > 14.250 - 14.350

As far as I remember this was "additionally" allocated to the fixed 
service in the USSR going back well before my time in radio and 
presumably that note in the allocation table was grandfathered in in the 
various ex-Soviet countries.  But (and I stand open to correction) even 
back then I think Soviet amateurs had access to that spectrum on a 
shared basis?

It seems the Ukrainians have lost access to any of their bands where 
they were secondary users.  Probably because either some halfwit in 
their Comms regulator can't read their frequency allocation table or a 
different halfwit misdesigned it in the first place.

Makes you realise our regulator could be a lot worse!


Gerry GI0RTN

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