[UK-CONTEST] Stupid Phonetics

Mike Farmer G3VAO at ARRL.net
Wed Apr 14 01:57:14 PDT 2010

and I bet you use QRZ more than Hotel Zanibar One George Washington

Gee 3 Very Aincent Operator  (for UK stations)
Germany 3 Victoria America Ontario (when the going it tough)
Golf 3 Victor Alpha Oscar (rest of the time!)


Very Sweaty 9 Muddy Feet used to work well
and so did both
9 Virgins 1 Old Englishman, and
9 Virgins 1 Singapore Native

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <hz1gw at gworhc.force9.co.uk>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Stupid Phonetics

I dont often have to repete my call

Hotel Zanibar One George Washington

I have learnt that Hotel Zulu One Golf Whiskey doesn't cut it.



>> Too right Chris,
>> I can't understand why some stations use 'Germany' as the phonetic for
>> 'G'   Using a 'country' phonetic which has no connection with where the
>> station is located makes no sense at all
> OK - come up with another phonetic for _G_ which is easy to understand?
> (Guatemala counts nul point :)
>> I try to stick with standard ICAO phonetics for all their failings
> I know this was done to death last year.   But the ICAO phonetics are
> designed so that English and non English speakers can understand each
> other in Q5 conditions.   If I always used the ICAO set I would have
> busted calls in most logs I work.
> At least I don't  have to call you G _Tree_  LVP....   (One of the ATCs in
> Dundee tower  and I have a running battle over that one).
> andy
> germany mexico eight ontarrio england germany.
> (actually guatemala does get me quite a high accuracy of returns when
> working SA :-)
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