[UK-CONTEST] IOTA -" nul points" for Fixed-to-Fixed, pse!

Bob G3PJT g3pjt at btinternet.com
Mon Aug 2 02:52:57 PDT 2010

I couldn't agree more with Nigel and the other NUL pointers.
I quote from the IOTA Contest explanation  " The essence of the contest 
is to work as many island stations as possible."  Yes fine and in the 
early days of IOTA contest this was indeed the case. Not anymore it isn't .
Quote from the General Aims "The aim of the contest is to promote 
contacts between stations in qualifying IOTA island groups and the rest 
of the world and to encourage expeditions to IOTA islands."
There is no aim to encourage non Island to non Island QSOs at all.
Wall to wall fixed stations F1ing can make it quite difficult for the 
simple DXpedition/holiday trip 100w island station to even find a slot 
and have some fun.
Of course conditions have forced a concentration on a limited number of 
bands but even so - time for a change I feel.

73 Bob G3PJT

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