[UK-CONTEST] EU HF Championship - GM4AFF

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Aug 10 08:06:32 PDT 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stewart GM4AFF" <stewart at gm4aff.net>

> So, what we need to know is, did the people you worked
> during this 260/hour run send a report (599, enn, etc)

Of course they did :-)  They don't understand yet that
I'm an experienced contester and don't need it, and my
software has already logged it - and the cursor is in
the next field ready for the only part of the exchange
that matters.

There was I, twiddling my thumbs while listening to
5NN 4.3 times a minute and waiting glassy-eyed while
my keyer did the same.  I've found the best way to
keep from falling asleep is to send it by hand.

Without that built-in handicap I can save two seconds
per QSO on CW and get the rate up to 303.  It's just
as impressive on SSB assuming, conservatively, a saving
of one second for two "five nines" per QSO - the old
420 rate goes to 475.

In my (admittedly limited) experience, higher rates
mean more points.  Now, which part of running runs do
you still think I don't understand?  :-)

Paul EI5DI

ps:  any time you want to test me, just leave out the
59(9).  You'll find it gets easier the more you do it.

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