[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 3 letter UK county codes

Alan Jubb - 5B4AHJ g3pmr at shacklog.co.uk
Mon Aug 16 06:48:47 PDT 2010

Many thanks to all for the many helpful replies (mostly off reflector).
I's now confirmed (tnx G3YMC) that PEM was Pembrokeshire, and TAU was

Alan 5B4AHJ

On 16 August 2010 09:47, Alan Jubb - 5B4AHJ <g3pmr at shacklog.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi all
> Does anyone have a list of the RSGB 3 letter county codes that were used in
> the period 1997-2003 (possibly before/after also).
> I found a list on the web, but it seems incomplete as it doesn't include
> PEM or TAU.
> I assume that PEM is Pembrokeshire, can anyone confirm please?
> I have no idea what TAU might be.
> Thanks
> 73
> Alan 5B4AHJ

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