[UK-CONTEST] Remote possibilities...

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Mon Feb 1 03:15:53 PST 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nigel G3TXF" <nigel at G3TXF.com>

> Please note that in a few year's time, subject to suitable
> Internet stations being available, G3TXF plans to operate
> with different callsigns from each of the 40 Zones of
> CQWW-CW at the same time while sitting in my local
> wifi-friendly Starbucks. Will I be able to make skeds with
> myself, or would that be cheating?

This highlights the potential for abuse arising from the non-
regulated operation of remote-controlled stations across
national boundaries.

It's likely that appropriate national and international
regulation is not too far away.

In the meantime, I would prefer to know, in advance, when
calling stations are remote-controlled, so that I can choose
whether to work them.  In general, I have no means of knowing
unless told.

One way of doing this would be to require such stations to
sign /R (or any agreed suffix).  

With regard to contesting, remote operation is not permitted
in the IOTA contest.  I expect that the abuse G3TXF described
will lead to the same rule being applied to all contests
- with the possibility, of course, of a separate class for
remote control.

I'm an amateur radio contester, not an internet contester.

Paul EI5DI

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