David G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Mon Feb 1 03:53:27 PST 2010

I have a very simple policy if some one sends me a QSL card and asks for 
one from me I send them one in reply. However after I have worked 
thousand+ QSOs in a weekend contest I know I am going to get 10s if not 
100s of cards from Germany all of which I will reply to and then throw 
their card into my recycle box for the next local council collection.

Seems to me to be a total waste of resource so may be we need to shout 
at the RSGB to strive within the IARU for an EU LOTW equivalent and 
encourage contesters to not send cards but upload to the database 
instead. Then cross feed the EU LOTW database with the US LOTW and make 
it a proper Log Book of the World rather than just one concentrated on 
ARRL awards.

David G3YYD

On 01/02/2010 09:24, Stewart Rolfe wrote:
> Chris,
> Personally I can't understand the need to have a qsl card for each contact made but appreciate there are plenty who still live by the tenet of "the final courtesy is a qsl..."
> So after running out of storage space I've asked my sub-manager to 'recycle' my cards and I'll seek any card for dxcc confirmation etc by other routes. But I've also 'publicised' my willingness to return *any* qsl requests from stations asking by either direct card, over the air or via email. By publicising I mean a qrz.com profile and regular references over the air.
> Ideally I'd like everyone to take note and for my sub-manager not to have any cards to bin as it's such a waste. I'm sure he still gets them as I followed this policy for a trip to The Gambia last year and yet still get buro cards for that (which I respond to..). So does anyone have any suggestions for reducing my 'buro hit rate' such as other fora like qrz.com that some may use..? At the end of the day one can't do anything about those that have their logging programs set to send a buro qsl for each qso logged including many contest stations.
> I can foresee a future system where one's logging program will telnet a message to the other end indicating qsl preference when the contact is logged; very handy for contests....
> 73,
> Stewart, GW0ETF
> (No longer collecting shoe boxes..)
> --- On Sun, 31/1/10, CHRIS COLCLOUGH<chrisg1vdp at btinternet.com>  wrote:
>> Sorry to jump in here but the
>> following quote has annoyed me;
>>    "LOTW gives me the occasional new confirmation for DXCC CW
>> which
>> is all I really need and I don't think anyone will be
>> needing a QSL from a
>> common G."
>> Break it down and this is very selfish. Think back to when
>> you first started out in your long amateur career and
>> started chasing the awards you wanted. Now lets look at it
>> from the side of a new operator who has his first QSO (any
>> mode) with a "common G" station and he sends a card, but the
>> common G station has "lost interest in QSL cards" and is
>> only getting the occasional LOTW confirmation which they are
>> intersted in.
>> Maybe it is just me who thinks like this, and maybe G is
>> common but someone has taken their time to send a QSL card
>> to confirm the contact - does this not tell you they would
>> like your card as confirmation of the contact for some award
>> or the memory of it?
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