Roger G3SXW g3sxw at btinternet.com
Mon Feb 1 07:01:21 PST 2010

Hello Jonathan,

>Many large contest groups just QSL 100%
I believe this is an urban myth. It happens but is not a major issue. And 
many contest clubs have got the message and stopped doing this in recent 

>bits of card being sent across the planet which no-one wants
But we don't know which ones or how many are 'wanted' versus not wanted. We 
must assume that they all wanted, especially when the incoming card says: 
"Please QSL'. The 100% QSLers these days are mostly in Germany, so I agree 
it would be good if they could be persuaded not to do that. BTW, I reckon 
some three-quarters are still hand-written, not just splurged out from the 

The new trend, which *is* a problem, is GlobalQSL. This new Israeli service 
works extremely well and cards are beautiful. The problem is with the users 
who just throw money at it: i.e. they upload their whole log for QSLing 
instead of being selective, and often duplicate.
73 de Roger/G3SXW. 

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