Chris Tran GM3WOJ zl1ct1 at gm7v.com
Mon Feb 1 09:05:04 PST 2010

Hello all

I've been unable to resist the urge to join this thread (which seems to 
re-appear on this reflector from time to time)

Many years ago I realised that I would not be able to operate at all if I 
had to do my own QSLing. As a contester I make thousands of QSOs every year 
using different callsigns - the subsequent QSLing task would take up way too 
much time in my life. I have no interest in awards (if I work a station I 
know I've worked them and don't need a piece of paper to prove it) and I do 
not subscribe to the ludicrous idea that a QSL card is 'the final courtesy 
of a QSO' - our hobby is an RF communications hobby - in reality there is no 
obligation on anyone to QSL any QSO at all, is there ?

Hence I use LoTW and two QSL Managers - the LoTW sign-up procedures are not 
difficult (I have 16 different callsigns/certificates) - uploads are easy 
and I have 70000 QSL matches so far - hopefully 70000 less paper cards 
printed. There are many people currently offering their services as QSL 
managers and eventually LoTW will cater for a wider range of awards.

I respect anyone's wish to be a QSL collector, but please don't tell those 
who are not interested in QSLs that we are in the wrong.


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