Regwoolley at aol.com Regwoolley at aol.com
Mon Feb 1 09:37:13 PST 2010

In a message dated 01/02/2010 17:14:54 GMT Standard Time,  
g4lmw at btconnect.com writes:

I'm frankly surprised that the RSGB still runs a QSL bureau,  when there
are perfectly satisfactory and attractive non-paper  alternatives
available to all.  Hard copy QSLs, (along with  letters, stamps, picture
postcards, cheques and village post offices)  are now relics of old
technology and could well (should) be phased  out as the existing bureau
managers retire.  The RSGB just needs  to put some effort into getting on
board and publicising those  alternatives.  Come on, save a few more trees.

73,  Peter G3LET

Call me old fashioned. However at age 47 I for one do like  copy of an  
item I can hold in my grubby large hands! You will be advocating a Internet  
version of apple pie and custard all you need is smelly vision! 

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