CHRIS COLCLOUGH chrisg1vdp at btinternet.com
Tue Feb 2 05:51:46 PST 2010


There are numerous QSL managers out there who are prepaired to do the QSLing chore. M0URX is one, as is M0OXO Charles, and I am sure many more would/could be mentioned.

As for forcing people to QSL, again this is not what we are saying, but as a final thought from me - put yourself in the shoes of the station who does want YOUR qsl. How disappointed are you going to be when it does not come through when you need that last one for some award (IOTA, DXCC, SCOTIA, WAC, WAZ,) or other. 
Chris Colclough
30M digi Group Member #1432

Tel: 024 7673 5940
Mob: 07505 359709

From: Alex GM3ZBE <alex at gm3zbe.plus.com>
Cc: UK Contest <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 2 February, 2010 13:06:28
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] QSL policy

As someone who has never been a fan of qsl cards I am mystified as to 
why anyone volunteers to be a qsl manager for someone else's qsl 
chores;  it smacks of masochism to me! ;-)

Having said that, how does one get someone to volunteer to be your qsl 
manager?  I would qsl much more often if someone else was doing the 
work!  At the end of the day it is surely up to the individual, if they 
don't want to qsl that is their choice..  I don't see why they should be 
chastised for not qsl'ing.  I get cards from some stations who send 
cards for each and every contact ( many being from Germany), surely that 
is pretty pointless.
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