Peter Day microwaves at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Feb 2 12:53:51 PST 2010

Roger G3SXW wrote:
> I might add that qrz.com is THE gold-standard for contact details, including 
> e-mail addresses.
> 73 de Roger/G3SXW.

Agreed Roger! ... and my QRZ entry clearly states I do NOT collect QSL 
cards  yet folk insist on sending them to me :-)
Seven years as a ZL put me off QSLing!

Sadly if they send them via the bureau I will never see them as I 
haven't kept envelopes there for decades.

I will, of course, reply to any direct ones with cards made by my own 
fair hand on my printer. I no longer have them printed in bulk.

Like many on this reflector I've got boxes and boxes of cards from  the 
early days of my amateur activities, the most prized one being W1BB's 
white on black card from 1963.
Hardly rare DX on the band but a yardstick in those days. I'd spent 
years sending Stew SWL reports and it was a great pleasure to work him 
with 6 watts to a multi bent 260ft end fed  wire at 40ft.

Halcyon days indeed :-)


Peter G3PHO

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