David Ferrington, M0XDF M0XDF at Alphadene.co.uk
Thu Feb 4 05:10:21 PST 2010

Firstly, I must apologise for not taking part this week - I have a stinking cold and didn't fancy working the contest from home (with just a poor 2m halo) that's alone going to my normal site, putting the beam up etc.

From my location down'suth in Bracknell, I sometimes get to GM, sometimes I don't. I rarely get east, there is a damn great hill in the way. I'd consider myself a smaller station, normally an 857 to a BNOS PA giving about 80W to a 6e beam, up about 10m agl.

I take part of a number of reasons, I'm sure other do too...
I enjoy it
I support my club.
Doing as well as I can (better myself), that means I want the DX as mults, but I'll take every point I can get :-)

I certainly don't hear a lot of the stations north of Oxford, and this may well be the Chilterns getting in the way, I suppose.
73 de M0XDF

On 4 Feb 2010, at 12:48, Rob Harrison wrote:

> The thread was started to get other peoples views from their locations. It 
> seems the majority are not aware of this reflector, or are only supporting 
> their club and not interested in longer distance QSOs, or are running 
> smaller stations, possibly. There are many more stations active (140+) there 
> to be worked, but I can't find them. I'm trying to find out why that is and 
> improve my score.

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