[UK-CONTEST] General Rules

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Sun Feb 7 07:58:21 PST 2010

On 7 Feb 2010 at 15:35, Roger Dixon wrote:

> Dave,
> Don't forget VHF rule 3a.  "Stations entering a fixed station section or
> contest must operate from permanent and substantial buildings located at
> the main station address as shown on the licence validation document.
> The spirit of the contest will be paramount." 
> Roger - G4BVY

And that is the very clause which is wrongly worded. Fixed station 
section entrants MUST be allowed to operated from a different fixed 
location from the licence address, and affix a /A if they so wish to 
indicate (licence note (d)i). It is wrong to suggest these stations 
should be in the portable section and affix a /P when they are not 
operating portable (licence note (d)ii). Operation to the licence must 
take precedence over any contest rules.

It is worth pointing out of course that we no longer have a 'licence 
validation document' (was BR68).

73 Dave G3YMC


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