[UK-CONTEST] 1st 1.8Mhz - This weekend

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Mon Feb 8 15:58:03 PST 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rob - G4LMW" <g4lmw at btconnect.com>
> Maybe I am missing something, but the General Rules already cover
> this don't they?:
> ===================================
> 4.(a)
> Points are not lost if a non-competing station does not send
> appropriate information, but a report must be logged and any
> other exchange sent by that station must be recorded
> ===================================

By definition, a non-competing system is unlikely to submit an
entry.  Therefore, that station's exchange cannot be directly
cross-checked.  In these circumstances, why insist that an
exchange of indeterminate length be recorded?

> In your case, you would then be classed as a "non-competing"
> station if you did not send the exchange as specified for the
> event. Which is of course your choice.

When I, or any other overseas station, call UK stations in
the 1.8 MHz contest, they don't necessarily know whether
I'm "competing".  What they do know is that I'm good for
points.  If I then send both a serial and a county code
(or whatever), would any UK station log anything other than
the serial?  There is little chance, unless they're logging
with pencil and paper.

> How would you want the rules to be updated?

Here's a suggestion - specifically for the 1.8 MHz contest.
Sometimes, general rules may be too general :-)
  Points will not be deducted for QSOs logged with non-UK
  stations who do not send the expected exchange, or send
  additional exchange elements.  Any serial received should
  be recorded, and, in these circumstances, no further
  exchange elements should be recorded.  When exchange
  element(s) other than a serial are received, the first
  such element must be recorded in the serial field - to
  the extent that it fits.  When no exchange element is
  received, or when the station declines to provide a serial,
  zero should be recorded.

Paul EI5DI

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