[UK-CONTEST] First 1.8 G3BJ

Don Beattie g3ozf at btinternet.com
Sun Feb 14 02:56:51 PST 2010

Not a happy tale here.

I found the band particularly difficult, and despite the receive antennas (which normally fix it for me) too many signals were in the "mush".

VE's/W's very weak here (except NP4A who was huge) but the Russians were big. No JA (not a tweet) and many G's were really hard copy. I'm going to have a look at the K9AY and beverages today, as it really was hard going - or was it just that absorption was very high ?

Ended with 185 Qs (25 DXCC) and 935 points. One of my less successful forays into this contest.

I got the sense that either activity was down, or too many Gs were in the dead zone for me.  What did others think of conditions ?


Don, G3BJ


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