Jerry Scarr jerryscarr at googlemail.com
Sun Feb 14 09:58:07 PST 2010

Hi All
 As and ex Chairman of a town planning committee I can assure you that using 
a mobile tower does NOT get round the planning law.

Any tower therefore needs planning permission as does any form of beam 
antenna. You would be very unwise to try either of the above without 
planning consent since you would be liable to incur a " notice of removal" 
from the local enforcement officer. Once your qth is stained by an order you 
may as well move as any planning application that follows will be looked at 
very hard in view of your former action...

If however you were to sling up one  thin wire antenna below roof ridge 
height, out of site of the road fronting your property,These two points are 
essential) and using existing trees (not poles) to sling from, then you may 
well get away with it as being "Minimilistic" .
To use this scenario I strongly suggest that you get your neighbours 
approval of the said wire antenna so that in the event of a visit from a 
planning officer your neighbours do Not object..

  If you have put in an antenna application and had a refusal don't give up. 
very often you can compromise. Bear in mind that most objections will come 
if the application is visually obtrusive..

Wish  you all the best of luck with your applications

73's Jerry G6LBL North Yorks

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