[UK-CONTEST] 50MhzAC this week some basic info

Alex GM3ZBE alex at gm3zbe.plus.com
Tue Feb 23 07:09:18 PST 2010

I note from the rules that the large locator squares are a multiplier 
and scoring is points per Km.  Is it normal practice in this contest to 
just send the locator as 4 characters or should I use the full 6 
character locator ? (IO86lf in my case)
Any specific frequency limits for this contest, any real "No No" in 
choice of frequency?

As I said I am so completely out of touch with VHF and 50MHz these days 
that I am really a new boy ;-)   (not very often I can say that these days!)

Rob Harrison wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Yes it's multimode, but most of the activity will be on  SSB/CW, some FM 
> activity, although I've not heard any. Have a look here 
> http://www.rsgbcc.org/vhf/ then click on links to contest(s).
> 73

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