[UK-CONTEST] 70 MHz Trophy

Paul_group paul_group at greenrover.demon.co.uk
Sat Jul 24 01:29:54 PDT 2010

On 24/07/2010 09:02, John Lemay wrote:
 > I agree. There's too muck luck (or lack of) in Sporadic E.
 > Tropo on the other hand encourages us to build an effective station in a
 > good location, and to take time and effort in winkling out the weak ones.

I'm much less enthusiastic about the 4m contests that are scheduled when 
ES is more likely - we have fairly low QSO rates on 4m and if someone 
gets a "lucky" break with two or three QSO's those extra two or three 
thousand points skews the results disproportionately.

I admit that watching 10m / 6m / b'cast stuff during the contest can 
give you a heads up that you might be in line for that "lucky" break so 
that is a skill in itself.

 > Points per km, and radial rings are both linear scoring systems (broadly
 > speaking) and so I see no advantage in one over the other. As for a 
 > score per qso, no thanks !

PPK'm allows us to analyse our past performance, normalise it against 
other stations and determine if our strategy and station mods has had 
any effect. Radial ring scoring breaks that granularity.

73 de Paul GW8IZR IO73TI

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