[UK-CONTEST] 4m Trophy

Allan G Duncan gm4zuk at allanduncan.co.uk
Wed Jul 28 07:25:06 PDT 2010

We did seem to have a bit of a logjam of RSGB 70MHz contests with four
events in the space of three weeks in 2010!


27/6 70MHz Cumulative

29/6 70MHz UKAC

4/7 VHF NFD (70MHz)

18/7 70MHz Trophy


It was also unfortunate that the RSGB 70Mhz Trophy clashed with the RSGB Low
Power contest. I would have been taking part in that had it not been for the
timing. The low power contest has been struggling for a few years now so
anything that works against it is unfortunate. Hopefully the now unified
RSGB CC should be able to avoid two events on the same day.


Going further back in time, the 70MHz Trophy always was in late September
but was moved to August many years ago to avoid clashing with the Weinheim
VHF meeting in Germany. The Weinheim meeting is a much smaller event than it
was 15 or 20 years ago so I suggest that is not a problem now. Yes, the Es
is nice to have but we can't concentrate all these VHF events in an 6 or 8
week window.


I don't approve of 50 and 70MHz Trophies running at the same time. As a
single op it's too much hardware and commitment on one weekend. Perhaps
moving the "1st 70MHz Contest" from April to early/mid June might create an
Es type 4m contest with the Trophy moved back to its old slot in mid/late







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