QUENTIN COLLIER q.g.collier at btinternet.com
Sat Jul 31 04:18:46 PDT 2010

By now you have probably seen Rob LMW's notification that the HF NFD results 
have been published on the Contest Committee website.

If you should need to contact me over HF NFD (I'm thinking mainly about requests 
for UBN type information, but there might be other aspects) you can do so 
at q.g.collier at btinternet.com 

However as of very early Monday morning (2 August)  I shall be away for a few 
days holiday (mainly to get my eyes unscrambled after staring at a monitor for 
too long....) and probably without access to e-mail. So if you do e-mail me and 
don't get a prompt response, please be assured that I'm not ignoring you and 
that you will get a reply in due course!


Quin G3WRR
NFD Adjudicator 

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