[UK-CONTEST] Serials and call not copied
Chris G3SJJ
g3sjj at btinternet.com
Thu Jun 17 08:27:47 PDT 2010
Probably was SO2V Alex. If you detect the slightest carrier on your run
freq you have to abort the 2nd vfo QSO, switch to main vfo tx and hit F1
very quickly. You can always try that station again a little later after
re-establishing your original freq. Done it numerous times over the last
10 years or so, very occasionally it doesn't work and you lose your run
freq! Often the success of a 2nd vfo QSO depends on how slick the other
operator is. In AFS / 80 CC I tend only to call those I feel confident
will respond without attaching my call to their exchange or any other
unnecessary stuff!
I wasn't on last night but saw the Skimmer spots. Seems quite busy.
Still recuperating after emergency retina detachment surgery and not
able to look up for any length of time.
73 Squinting SJJ !
Alex GM3ZBE wrote:
> Hi all,
> In the 80MCC CW test last night I had two stations who called me when I
> was running, I didn't get their serial numbers and they zoomed off while
> I was sending NR?. Is this ops using SO2V? If so maybe they should not
> assume they have been copied? Had similar thing with two stations not
> responding to me querying their callsign!
> Hi speed operating is all very well but not if you don't complete the qso!
> 73
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