[UK-CONTEST] RSGB Contest Committee
g3ydy at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jun 21 13:27:38 PDT 2010
As this involves VHF why has it not gone out on the VHF Reflector?
-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Chairman, RSGB
Contest Committee
Sent: 20 June 2010 16:15
To: UK-Contest at contesting.com
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] RSGB Contest Committee
Hello UK contesters,
Here is a report on decisions from the RSGB Contest Committee, mainly
resulting from its Spring meeting this year.
Ed Taylor, GW3SQX
Chairman, RSGB Contest Committee
chairman at rsgbcc.org
As a Committee, we recognise that we are no longer in the situation where
the world will flock to our doors as soon as we announce a contest. We are
now in a competitive market, where we need to advertise the events that we
offer, both at home and abroad. The Committee has put together a leaflet to
promote RSGB contests, which will be distributed at international events
such as those in Dayton and Friedrichshafen, as well as domestic rallies and
so on.
The Committee has debated the future of this contest. This event was
devised in the days when the number of international contests was lower, and
we could rely on UK stations providing sufficient interest for overseas
stations on 10m and 15m. This is no longer the case, and the number of UK
entries has been static for more than a decade. Despite several changes, it
is clear that this contest is no longer an attractive proposition for
overseas stations, and this situation is unlikely to change even if
conditions on the two bands improve.
The Committee therefore decided to discontinue the contest, so the 2010
21/28MHz contest will be the last. Trophies will be re-allocated to other
Both these contests are popular, with support from the UK and overseas. It
was thought that more overseas participation could result if non-UK to
non-UK QSOs were allowed to count for points, keeping the UK bonus element.
The February 2011 contest will therefore adopt rules along these lines --
more details later this year.
The 2m Low Power contest and 4th 2m Backpackers contest take place this year
on different days during August. From next year, they will be held on the
same date. In 2011, this will be Sunday 7th August, with the 2m Low Power
running 0800-1400 UTC, and the 4th Backpackers, 1000-1400 UTC. The 70cm Low
Power contest will take place on the day before: 6th August 2011.
There are currently four Affiliated Society contests sponsored by the RSGB:
on 2m in December, on 80m CW and 80m SSB, in January, and on 70cm in
February. These contests will remain as they are for the moment.
As an additional challenge to clubs, the Committee is proposing to create a
"Super League" from these four contests, with a running total produced from
a normalisation of club scores in each event over the winter. This will not
require any change of rules in these events. At the end of the 70cm
contest, a club will emerge as winner, being the one which has produced the
best performance from its teams over the four AFS contests. The teams for
each event need not be the same, in fact, it is unlikely they will be. The
rules for the 2010/2011 Super-League will be published later this year. The
Committee will use the experience from this first series to suggest any
changes in subsequent series.
The Contest Committee is reviewing the way in which rules for various
contests have developed (HF and VHF), with a view to making rules simpler
and easier to understand. Most rules have developed over time, with changes
frequently being made to cover situations that have arisen over the years.
There is a feeling that some contest rules can now be simplified, and it is
probably the case that General Rules, which were intended to set out a
framework underlying most contests, can also be merged into specific RSGB
contest rules, as they are with the RSGB IOTA Contest. Any suggestions on
this topic are welcome - please submit your views to the Committee Chairman.
Although these contests have a loyal and consistent following, they are not
really attracting new entrants (who might one day replace those who can no
longer participate). The success of evening 80m club events has prompted
the Committee to change the April CW RoPoCo to an SSB evening contest, on
the same date as usual. Rules will be similar to the CW event, and will be
published later this year. Please encourage club members and others to try
this novel event in April 2011.
This contest attracts more support every year, and the Committee is always
looking for ways to increase participation even further. We would like more
"non-contesters" in the UK to take part, so that they can see whether or not
they might like to try contesting more regularly. This year, we will offer
a "Participation Certificate" to any UK station who has never previously
taken part in the IOTA Contest. All single-operator entrants will be
invited to apply, if they meet the (not too difficult) criteria: at least
100 QSOs and 20 multipliers worked during the contest. We are particularly
interested in getting more of the UKAC and 80m CC entrants to try this
contest -- please encourage any you know. A page on the Contest Committee
web site will contain helpful hints for newcomers to the contest.
The Committee is reviewing the contests that form part of this award. This
includes both the contests that contribute, and the weighting attached to
each. Contesters with views on the question are invited to submit their
opinions to the Committee Chairman.
At present, there are two possibilities for presentations: at the RSGB AGM
in the Spring, and at the RSGB Convention in October. Whichever is chosen,
there will be recipients who might wait for around a year to get their
trophies. The Committee is considering several possibilities - for example,
splitting both HF and VHF trophy presentations between the AGM and the
Convention, so that there are two presentations per year for both HF and
VHF. Views from potential recipients are sought - please contact the
Committee Chairman.
The Committee is investigating the possibilities, and is considering
starting a pilot next year to see how real-time scoring could work.
Contesters with ideas as to which contests might be suitable for this trial,
and any related aspects, are invited to contact the Committee Chairman with
their views.
Ed Taylor, GW3SQX
Chairman, RSGB Contest Committee
chairman at rsgbcc.org
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