[UK-CONTEST] Views on current tranceivers

Simon Jude simon at simonjude.co.uk
Tue Jun 29 12:56:39 PDT 2010

Hi All,
I'm currently considering replacing my current radio which has served  
me well, but which has a number of limitations. In particular it  
doesn't have a second VFO which would be good for pileups and it can  
get swamped during SSB contests.

I was wondering whether anybody has any experience of the following  
radios and their pros and cons:

Elecraft K3 - evidently an excellent radio - which options do people  
Icom 7600 - pricey - also, what is dual watch like in practice?
Yaesu FT2000 - dual VFOs, but I've heard mixed comments about this radio

I'd also be very interested to hear from any K3 owners regarding the  
costs associated with delivery/VAT etc.

My main operating modes CW and data contesting and DXing.

Any info would be much appreciated.


Simon G7SOZ

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