[UK-CONTEST] CwSkimmer

Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Mon Mar 1 10:32:52 PST 2010


Not sure I altogether agree with that statement . . .
In the good old days when air-time was money and commercial operators 
were paid on a piecework basis, 45wpm or even more was the norm.  For a 
start, any owner driver of a Creed 7B can type at least 60wpm - it made 

Chris and Ted at the BAS radio station were amazing.  As a young sprog, 
I used to check them out by recording my inventories for Port Stanley at 
25wpm on a reel to reel at 3 3/4 and playing it to them at 7 1/2.   They 
would probably be chatting to each other at the same time.  Some of the 
E EU boys and a few in the US can still manage this even today, so don't 
knock it, see if you can join them ; )

73, Peter G3LET

Gerry Lynch wrote:

> . . . Nobody can really read CW or type that fast and those who 
>pretend they can by sending that fast are only doing it do show off or to 
>rob you of your rightful contest wins. :roll:

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