[UK-CONTEST] Individual Short Contest Callsigns

g3wvg at btinternet.com g3wvg at btinternet.com
Wed Mar 3 02:04:08 PST 2010

Hi Olof.


First of all, thanks for your considered response.


Your first point is well made, although I'm sure some (Non-England) UK
stations may take issue with your analysis!


As I recall the original intention of SCCs was to enable keen UK contest
groups to use a distinctive callsign that would put them on a par with their
international competitors. Sometimes these groups operate as a multi-op but
often they use the facilities of a group member or help others to put in a
single-op entry. I see nothing wrong with this.


I don't really see the need to extend the SCC system to a wider range of
contests. I think they serve their purpose well.


Our contest group has been affiliated to the RSGB for over 20 years and we
are all highly active and passionate supporters of contesting. I don't
regard it as "messing OFCOM around" to correct the anomalies in their
abruptly imposed RSGB/OFCOM rules.  As the rules stand at present, our group
will lose its long standing SCC simply because in the past we chose to use
it around the UK to make tens of thousands of QSOs in CQWW CW.


73 Ian G3WVG .. 


Co-Founder "Three As Contest Group G0AAA"  

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