[UK-CONTEST] Individual Short Contest Callsigns

David Ferrington, M0XDF M0XDF at Alphadene.co.uk
Wed Mar 3 05:21:42 PST 2010

> I think you are missing something.
> Many of the existing calls have rarely if ever been used - those that have been can expect renewal if their results were good enough.
I had missed that. I agree the call should only be awarded if it's being used - so if is doesn't show up in a contest, you don't get it, even if you've had it a long time.
I don't believe the criteria should be on how well you do in a contest (that smacks of a means test, and I don't like those), as long as you try and ok, it could only apply and be used in contests where we are competing against similar calls.

> This will now make more possible calls available for individuals who can show that they warrant one.
Right, but who determines 'warrant' and why doesn't someone who enters every contest, but will never be in the top or a big gun, not warrant one just as much as the winner?

> It will prevent calls being held as status symbols by folk/clubs who don't actually contest - for those individuals that do it makes it easier. No need to form and affiliate a Contest Group, just apply to Ofcom.
Accepted and I agree with that.
> I am puzzled why people should think it impossible to contest without a short call-sign - except for those making big scores I believe it has little effect.
I don't, it's just the notion that you have to be big to warrant one that I don't like. 

> I am puzzled though why UK scores in say CQWW should be compared with other UK scores - surely in an International Contest the scores should be compared with the section leader - in whatever Country he/she happens to be.
I think because the chances of being able to afford the equipment, space for antennas, time and just everything else in this country means it's had enough to compete with, say, the US, which is why we are doing this, isn't it?
since the callsign is being issues to UK, makes sense to me to perform the comparison on a UK basis.
But I don't like the comparison being used.

BTW, I don't own an SCC, haven't partaken in an International contest yet (although keep meaning to) and atthis rate, aren’t likley to own one either.
So my comments relate to my concerns about this not being 'fair' for others.
73 de M0XDF

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