[UK-CONTEST] Short contest call failure

Jim Fisher gm0nai at btinternet.com
Fri Mar 12 09:02:42 PST 2010


I just received this from OFCOM regarding my application for a personal
short contest call.


"Thank you for your recent application

On this occasion we have to advise you that your application has been
unsuccessful due to the following:


The provided evidence of contests entered as an individual station have been
done so under

an existing short contest call sign associated with a club.

Therefore these contest entries have been made on behalf of a club and not
an individual"


I used my SOAB contest entries with GM7R that is the Inverclyde contest
group short call.

Plus some multi op entries with GM7V.

All entries were greater than the criteria even when compared to the world
leading station.


I fail to see why this evidence doesn't show that I am an active contester
deserving of a short call?

I guess I will just have to continue to use the GM7R as associated with the
Inverclyde contest group.


Now when I re-apply for the GM7R NOV are they going to state the reverse.


i.e. contest entries have been made in SOAB and not as a club??







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