[UK-CONTEST] Yaesu DVS2 Dig Voice keyer question?

Alex GM3ZBE alex at gm3zbe.plus.com
Sun Mar 14 09:22:43 PDT 2010

Is the Yaesu DVS2 recorder unit supposed to keep the message in memory 
for an extended period after the rig is switched off?  Mine only keeps 
the messages for about 10Mins after switch off - I thought that was 
normal but a friend locally who has one says his retains the messages 
for months!


Alex, GM3ZBE ~~~~~Kingdom of Fife~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Member of:
De Montfort University ARS,
Kingdom Amateur Radio Society (KARS)
GMDX Group, CDXC, Aberdeen ARS
Previous callsigns G3ZBE, GM8BYG,
holder of GM4BRN club call.
Cushcraft MA5B review http://www.sonikblue.co.uk/g3zbe/Ma5b.htm 
Remember..............It's only a hobby!

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