[UK-CONTEST] Short contest call changes

Ian Maude ian at gb7mbc.net
Mon Mar 15 07:51:56 PDT 2010

Precisely David!  Not exactly the way to encourage new contesters eh?

73 Ian

Ian J Maude, G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC & HB9DRV-9 DX Clusters
Member RSGB, GQRP 9838, FISTS 14077 | K3 #455

On 15 March 2010 09:35, David Ferrington, M0XDF <M0XDF at alphadene.co.uk>wrote:

> I do have one thought here, it sounds like 'sour grapes', but it isn't, I'm
> personally nowhere near getting an SCC and probably never will be!
> But if we only give the advantage of an SCC to those who are really big and
> meet the criteria, aren’t we just making them 'bigger' and therefore placing
> those that don't have an SCC at a disadvantage and making it even harder for
> them to achieve the requirements of an SCC?
> --
> 73 de M0XDF
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