[UK-CONTEST] Microham unit

Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 16 16:41:47 PDT 2010


If you are considering Windows 7 I strongly recommend avoiding the 64 
bit version . I didn't, and to my cost cannot now run N1MM version 10.x 
or later because the control protocol for the MK2R will not function. 
Versions 9.x seem to be OK, but would not e.g. run BERU properly. I 
don't know about other mH units obviously. mH say this is an N1MM/Visual 
Basic issue. The words middle piggy in  the come to mind :-(

I then thought I'd run v10.x in XP mode, but that didn't work either. 
Only when I specifically asked was I told that none of the "keyer" units 
will work with the XP virtualisation in Win7 and will not be enabled so 
to do. My only choice now is to revert to the previous XP machine, which 
wold be  a shame as Win7/64:XP is like Usain Bolt:a tortoise.

  So XP virtualisation is a definite non starter, and Win7/64 may or may 
nor work for you; it didn't for me and nobody knows exactly why, perhaps 
because of the multicore processor powering Win 7? I have no reason to 
doubt that the 32 bit version will function and can hardly fail to be an 
improvement over Vista. ymmv.



On 16/03/2010 16:17, tom wylie wrote:
> I had trouble in Senegal with Vista and my USB Microkeyer II trying to
> run MMTTY using the internal microham codecs.
> If I were to upgrade to Windows 7 would this make any difference.
> Somebody told me that you can run XP software within windows 7 using an
> XP emulator??
> Tom
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