[UK-CONTEST] 59 reports on VHF

Alex GM3ZBE alex at gm3zbe.plus.com
Tue May 4 01:12:54 PDT 2010

Hi Andy,
I've had a play in a couple of 50MHz AC lately.  First vhf peration I 
have participated in for years.  I was amazed how much I stumbled over 
the "real" signal reports when keying them in - it really threw me.  I 
didn't realise how much the "599" had become a complete reflex  action 
for me :-)

Andy Swiffin wrote:
>>>> On 04/05/2010 at 06:27, in message
> <D252EC07-FA46-43D0-BE6A-2FF902CFEBF4 at Alphadene.co.uk>, "David Ferrington,
> M0XDF" <M0XDF at Alphadene.co.uk> wrote:
>> completely agree - crazy - even on HF too - but in contests, as you say, common 
>> on HF, lets not let it become common above that.
>> I understand the robot for UKAC etc now includes comparing reports and might 
>> possibly disallow a QSO if the reports don't match.
> I never knew it didn't!  
> Were those UK stations Reg or continentals?  My experience of the UKACs on 144 is that the (few) people I do work do give sensible reports and you'll always get one from me (and yes, you usually are 59!).   Gosh if I didn't have to put in proper reports into the logger what else would I do with the 2hour spare time I have in the contest?   
> I'm trying to drum up the enthusiasm to come on for the UKAC tonight but I doubt I will.   I had a nice couple of hours in the ARI on Sunday on rtty when I remembered contests can be quite fun, I only got 90 so not too busy but nice to be called by HZ and to work VU and ZA on rtty (all new for me I think?), so spending two and half hours to work the usual 20 on 2 doesn't seem so enticing.  Sorry.
> Andy
> gm8oeg

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