[UK-CONTEST] 59 reports on VHF
Ian White GM3SEK
gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Tue May 4 01:43:41 PDT 2010
Alex GM3ZBE wrote:
>I've had a play in a couple of 50MHz AC lately. First vhf peration I
>have participated in for years. I was amazed how much I stumbled over
>the "real" signal reports when keying them in - it really threw me. I
>didn't realise how much the "599" had become a complete reflex action
>for me :-)
Don't know about other logging software, but N1MMlogger has a very
simple option to handle 'real' reports. The normal procedure is to enter
the callsign and then press the Spacebar to skip straight over the two
report fields, which are pre-filled with 5(9)9. But if you do need to
edit either report, simply press Tab instead; each report comes up in
turn, with the signal strength already highlighted for overtyping.
I seem to keep a mental list of people who send 'real' reports in HF
inter-G contests, so am mostly ready for them, but 50MHz will always
have a mix of VHF and HF operating styles (in and out of the tourist
73 from Ian GM3SEK
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