Mike Harris mike.harris at cwimail.fk
Mon Nov 1 13:00:31 PDT 2010


Some pretty bad signals down this way.  The usual cause seems to be 
way too much compression.  One PY was 9+30 talking and 9+20 when he 
stopped talking just before his VOX dropped.  Huge signal, Q3 
modulation.  Why folks don't get a local to listen to them for a 
sanity check before the contest I've no idea, must have cost the guy 
loads of points.  I tried to tell him but he just said thank you, 
presumably for the 9+30 bit.

Another goodie is a desperately poor DVK recording.  Same as with 
machine gun CW, if I can't copy it without a load of struggle I, 
like many others, just move on.

On a more cheerful note, my BERU (aka CC) team competition gold 
medal turned up in the post today.


Mike VP8NO

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Clive GM3POI" <gm3poi2 at btinternet.com>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 2:01 PM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] CQWW signals

> No one has yet commented on some of the really bad
> quality signals around during last weekend.
>    I just worked a few dozen Qs but noticed that E7
> in particular produced (on 15m) some very wide
> signals. In particular E71A and E7DX, E71A was at
> least 20khz wide on my K3. I wonder what other bands
> were like.  They may of course be too close for the
> more Southern stations.
> 73 Clive GM3POI

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