[UK-CONTEST] Contest end time - a consensus please.

Andy P Hewitt andyphewitt at btopenworld.com
Wed Nov 3 01:41:27 PDT 2010

Absolutely, there are various programs around that will set your PC clock
including Windows itself. Personally I use Dimension4 from Thinking Man
software (Google it). It is free and I use it because I was using the
Windows clock and during a  HFCC contest found I was three minutes slow, no
problem at the beginning, but boy did I get told off at the end! 
Andy G3SVD

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of MM0BQI
Sent: 03 November 2010 08:30
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Contest end time - a consensus please.

Name and shame the G4.  Hopefully you and the G4 have logged the incident 
with your contest entry so it can be investigated.  Report them to Ofcom and

the RSGB if it was deliberate QRM.
I think this is something we should all take on board seriously.  If there 
are operators out there who are cheating, let's expose them and either 
modify their behavior or have them out of contesting.
As far as timimg goes this is a technical hobby and as such it should not be

beyond your means to set up, even an old PC, within a few seconds of the 
correct time.
Not quite sure why you should gain an advantage over others who quite 
rightly abandon incomplete Qs once the contest has finished?
Jim,  MM0BQI

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Thawley" <roger.thawley at sky.com>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 12:58 AM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Contest end time - a consensus please.

> My contest buddy and I have become regular entrants of the RSGB 6M, 2M and
> 70cms Tuesday evening activity contests. For logging a 'retired' laptop is
> used with Minos logger. This evening, while trying to complete the last
> contact of the evening, deliberate interference was received from a G4
> station, whose view was that the contest had ended, however, according to
> the laptop, when the contact was initiated, the contest still had a minute
> to run. In the end, I felt justified in persevering for a further 30 
> seconds
> to complete the contact, partly because I'd started the contact before the
> end of the contest and, partly, because of the deliberate interference.
> The view I take regarding contest timing is that I start and finish
> according to the time shown by the equipment I have. I accept that it's
> possible that the equipment is out by a minute or two - this is a 
> limitation
> of the equipment. I operate for the duration of operation allowed by the
> contest rules and what I gain or lose at the start of the contest, I loose
> or gain at the end.
> In the end, this is just a hobby! What's the consensus is my view of the
> world reasonable?
> Roger
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